The Power of Hyperlocal Data to Develop Your Chain Store Strategy

Retail Site Analytics

Economic uncertainty and recent disruptions in the workplace—including post-COVID population shifts and the effects of remote work on traffic—have rendered business decisions based on frozen-in-time market data unreliable.

This new reality is forcing retail chains to revisit their analytics methods and models—sometimes by consulting an outside expert—and evaluate new hyperlocal and hyper-detailed datasets, such as mobility data. 

Location data will ensure the success of your physical network of stores, enabling you to solve complex business problems and reduce the risk of failure at every stage of your retail strategy:

  1. Market analysis
  2. Definition of the trade area and selection of sites
  3. Creation of predictive analysis models
  4. Performance and profitability monitoring
  5. Optimization of a chain store network
  6. Improvement of the customer experience