Rely on updated ZIP Code tables listing all unique U.S. ZIP Codes boundaries and points to improve your geocoding.
ZIP Code and Postal Boundaries include all names and spatial demarcations of postal ZIP Codes polygons for the entire United States and the latitude/longitude coordinate of the centroid of each ZIP code, including point-type ZIPs such as post-office (PO) boxes.
It also provides other relevant attributes, such as population detail and demographic statistics within a specific ZIP Code. Polygons are created from multiple data sources, such as carrier route boundaries, making the product the most complete dataset of its kind.
Where there are no carrier routes in an area, ZIP Code boundaries are extended to ensure continuous coverage for the entire United States. In all cases where there are carrier routes, ZIP Codes share a boundary with each.
When there is insufficient data to create ZIP Code polygons in an area, Precisely creates temporary ZIP Code areas with the three-digit ZIP prefix and a two-letter suffix, either MH for an area surrounded by water or MX for an area surrounded by land.
Exploit the geographic limits of census dissemination to perform land use and demographic studies, as well as social, economic, and market research.
Enrich your existing data with ready-to-use administrative and industry-specific boundaries to perform territory analyses.
Target your marketing and social media audience by location, and simplify property assessment.