Target your marketing and social media audience by location, and simplify property assessment.
Neighborhood Boundaries identify and name the hierarchical geographic boundaries of over 100,000 neighborhoods in 83 countries in the world. It also provides population, demographic, and cultural data, as well as other location attributes to accurately define a neighborhood area.
Since every city in the world is unique, the question, “What is a neighborhood?” cannot be answered unanimously. Based on recent and comprehensive resources, Precisely’s Neighborhood Boundaries have the advantage of authentically defining macro neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and sub-neighborhoods in a way that reflects the local and social perception of its residents.
Clearly identify homes, businesses, and other points of interest in relation to school locations.
Enrich your existing data with ready-to-use administrative and industry-specific boundaries to perform territory analyses.
Exploit the geographic limits of census dissemination to perform land use and demographic studies, as well as social, economic, and market research.