Environics Analytics

Environics Consumer Spending Data

Analyze potential expenditures for any level of geography with a food and household spending data bundle to improve your marketing.

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Gain valuable insights from the FoodSpend and HouseholdSpend datasets

Environics Consumer Spending Data provides information about the total expenditures of Canadian households, including food and household spending. It also provides the total number of households in a specific area as well as the household total, disposable, and discretionary income.

This valuable information offers insights to refine your predictive models, identify shopping trends in retail areas, recognize cross-promotional opportunities, and determine the spending potential by category. It also allows for the analysis of potential household expenditures by average and total dollars spent for any level of geography, whether for Canada entirely or a small trade area.

Benefits by department/industry


  • Perform demographic analysis.
  • Support new urban planning and development with thematic maps and spatial models.


  • Determine the optimum location for distribution centers, transportation hubs, logistics parks, and intermodal centers through site analysis.
  • Perform economic forecast analysis.


  • Determine clients’ profiles, lifestyles and habits, spending patterns, and disposable income.
  • Facilitate your target marketing, lifestyle segmentation, and product merchandising.
  • Perform trade area analysis using thematic maps and spatial models.
  • Enhance positioning and wayfinding of your products.


  • Determine the optimum location for fixed wireless or 5G cell towers through site analysis.

What is included in each dataset?


Provides up-to-date estimates of annual expenditures for approximately 300 food-related purchase variables, including:

  • Food purchased from restaurants
  • Food purchased from stores


Provides up-to-date estimates of annual expenditures for nearly 500 variables, covering 18 categories of goods and services consumed by Canadian households, including:

  • Current and non-current consumption
  • Financial transfers

Where do these datasets come from?

These datasets come from DemoStats, PRIZM, and the Survey of Household Spending conducted by Statistics Canada, and are aligned to control totals from the Canadian System of National Accounts and Statistics Canada.

Additional resources on consumer insights and trends

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Mobile data has tremendous potential to provide more dynamic, more real-time data about people and places for the retail and real estate industries. Users can now seek those additional applications of the data and technology.
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Model Retail Site Using Hyperlocal Analytics

Because of the extraordinarily rapid pace of change taking place today, we must adapt to the increased complexity of location analytics by taking a data-driven approach.
Watch the webinar
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Gain Customer Insights With Location Data and Analysis

Location data represents one of the critical success factors in the retail industry. Geospatial data and technologies are the foundation of retail success, from site selection to mobile marketing to customer experience.
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